The 0x0000007e error is without doubt one of the most painful Windows errors that your Windows program can get. This error causes severe problems like system crash in Microsoft Windows operating system.
The causes of the 0x0000007e error usually are various. Although the key causes are usually the wrongly downloaded programs, viruses, obsolete drivers, BIOS issues and registry issues.
To resolve this Windows error ,you really have to use these given steps to fix it -
Step 1: First restart your computer in safe mode and open registry editor from 'Start -> Run', type 'regedit' and click 'OK'.
Step 2: Now locate the given below registry key in registry editor -
Step 3: Now select the 'Start' key from right pane and right-click on it, and then click 'Modify'.
Step 4: Now type '4' in 'Value' data box and click 'OK'.
Step 5: Now exit from the registry editor and it's time to restart your computer now.
Now check that this error has been fixed.
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